Report of The Lophams’ Society Spring Quiz

Despite it being a cold wet evening The Lophams’ Society’s optimistically named Spring quiz held on 15 March was well attended and it was heartening to see so many familiar faces amongst the teams. Over 60 people took part and at the end of eight rounds of sometimes challenging questions only half a point separated the two top teams resulting in a win and six bottles of wine for table eleven and a consoling Easter egg for each member of table two. During the interval a warming chilli supper was provided by Paddy Miller who was ably assisted by Jan Tate in the kitchen and Bill Bedford in the bar. The questions were provided by Simon Dilloway who as usual took the part of question master and was on this occasion assisted by Steve Reynolds as scorer. As the quiz coincided with Red Nose Day it was announced by the chairman Granville Horan that the society would make a donation to the charity from part of the proceeds of the raffle, all other profits from this evenings quiz would as usual go towards funding the free Christmas drop-in event in December.

The next  Lophams’  Society event is a (hopefully) summer  BBQ on 6 July.  If you would like to join the society and help out at any of the three events held during the year please contact the chairman on 01379 640355.

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