University of the Third Age December Meeting

Well known author and entertainer Charlie Haylock was the guest speaker at December’s meeting and for those of us without Suffolk roots,Charlie’s talk ‘An eccentric look at Suffolk’ was an opportunity for him to explain the eccentricities of the Suffolk character and dialect. His highly amusing talk a mixture of history,language,geography and social history was interspersed with large helpings of  Suffolk humour and demonstrated that you don’t have to be an ‘alternative comedian’ to indulge in a little lavatory humour.

Charlie Haylock has written a number of books on the Suffolk dialect including the best selling ‘Sloightly on Th’Huh’ and although saddened by the way regional accents have disappeared or been diluted over the years he is determined that we in this part of  East  Anglia will continue not just to speak Suffolk but to understand it.

The next meeting of Diss U3A will be held at The United Reformed Church on the 5th January commencing at 10.30am.

For further information on Diss U3A please telephone 01379 642674 or visit the Diss U3A website.

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